Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 37, 2024


1. O. I. Polyakov, O. V. Nikitenko, O. Yu. Aliieva, A. D. Shcherbak. Economic and bioenergy indicators of sunflower growing with supplementary nutrition. P.102-115 - PDF

2. O. I. Polyakov, O. V. Nikitenko, A. V. Okkert . The influence of post-having plowing and the application of herbicides on the pollution and productivity of flax crops of the oil Vodograi variety at different sowing rate. P.116-125 - PDF

3. E. B. Aliiev. Study of the frictional properties of sunflower seed surfaces. P.127-138 - PDF

4. E. B. Aliiev, P. Ye. Bezverkhniy, O. Yu. Aliieva. Testing of the improved seed delivery system of a precision pneumatic seeder. P.139-147 - PDF

5. A. I. Soroka. Optimization of conditions for callus formation in the culture of oil flax explants. P.14-22 - PDF

6. O. R. Kuzmenko, Ye. V. Gaydash, O. V. Bielka. Formation of varieties and dynamics of oil flax production. P.149-157 - PDF

7. А. V. Kaperko, A. I. Soroka. Comparative characteristics of sterilization regimes of Nigella damascena L. for in vitro cultivation. P.23-30 - PDF

8. K. V. Vedmedeva, T. V. Makhova, O. O. Pavlenko, E. B. Aliev. Influence of conditions on some characteristics of seed and basket phenotype in sunflower. P.32-42 - PDF

9. V. M. Zhuravel, K. V. Vedmedeva, G. I. Budilka. Inheritance of leaf and flower color traits in Brassica juncea L.. P.43-52 - PDF

10. D. V. Kurylych, К. M. Makliak. Expression of valuable economic features in broomrape (Orobanche cumana Wallr.) - resistant F1 sunflower hybrids. P.53-65 - PDF

11. M. G. Kalinova, T. O. Taranets. Comparative assessment of heat resistance varieties and hybrids of winter canola at the microgametophyte level. P.6-13 - PDF

12. I. O. Poliakova, V. M. Nikonova, T. O. Taranets. Appearance of economic traits of a new line of oil flax obtained by the method of interspecific hybridization. P.66-74 - PDF

13. Yu. V. Mashchenko, I. M. Sokolovska, O. М. Zvezdun. Yield and economic efficiency of soybean cultivation in different models of short-rotation crop rotations. P.76-86 - PDF

14. A. A. Kalinov, A. A. Rozhkov. Variability of leaf surface area of sunflower plants under the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seed and foliar nutrition. P.87-101 - PDF