Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 35, 2023


1. O.I. Polyakov, A.D. Shcherbak. Sunflower watering under a flow of mineral fertilizers and growth regulators. P.101-113 - PDF

2. E.V. Gaydash, O.R. Kuzmenko, O.V. Bielka. Main oil crops in the registry of plant varieties of Ukraine. P.115-126 - PDF

3. Research Institute of Оilseed Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Anatoly Ivanovych SOROKA is 60 years old . P.127-129 - PDF

4. A. I. Soroka, . V. A. Lyakh. Germination of pollen grains of various Linum species on the artificial medium. P.19-27 - PDF

5. M. G.Kalinova, R. V. Senik, T. O.Taranets . Influence of the selection of cold-resistant winter canola genotypes at the early stages of ontogenesis on the quantitative and qualitative characters of plants. P.29-39 - PDF

6. N. M. Kutishcheva, N. O. Shugurova, Y. V. Krasnokutska, S. I. Odynets, L. I. Shudrya . Scientific and applied aspects of sunflower breeding for the pathogen complex . P.40-50 - PDF

7. T. V. Makhova, S. R. Vedmedev, O. I. Polyakov . Creation of databases of phenotypic signs and adding lines of special recognition . P.51-62 - PDF

8. N. А. Hlukhova, D. К. Ehorov. Apomixis-prone winter rape (Brassica napus L.) forms: biological and economic features. P.6-18 - PDF

9. V. M. Nikonova, V. O. Lyakh, O. I. Polyakov, V. I. Levchenko, T. O. Taranets. Influence of weather conditions on the manifestation of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of new lines of oil flax. P.63-73 - PDF

10. N. A. Kirichenko, А. A. Rozhkov . Dynamics of vegetative mass of sareptsky mustard under different options of combination of sowing rate and row space width . P.75-88 - PDF

11. O.I. Polyakov , O.V. Nikitenko , A.V. Okkert . Features of the formation of the productivity of oily flax depending on the period of sowing . P.89-100 - PDF