Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 34, 2023


1. O.I. Polyakov , O.V. Nikitenko , A.I. Soroka. Response of safflower varieties to additional nutrition at the account of micro- and macrofertilizers. P.109-119 - PDF

2. T.F. Tsapik, N.M. Usova, H.F. Dudareva. Winter barley crop yield dependence on the optimization of mineral feeding using sunflower as a predecessor. P.120-130 - PDF

3. E. Aliiev, H. Tesliuk, O. Bielka, O. Patsula. Numerical simulation of the working process of the soil tillation module for pre-treatment of the soil. P.132-145 - PDF

4. I.O. Poliakova, V.O. Lyakh, O.G. Bondar. Application of landscape land use to preserve soil fertility according to the experience of EU countries. P.147-155 - PDF

5. E. Aliiev, K. Vedmedieva. Mathematical model of placement of sunflower seeds in a head. P.15-23 - PDF

6. I.V. Chekhova. Bioenergy industry and oil crops. P.156-163 - PDF

7. Research Institute of Оilseed Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Oleksandr Ivanovych Polyakov is 60 years old. P.164-166 - PDF

8. К.M. Levitskaya, V.А. Lyakh. Inheritance peculiarities of resistance to Septoria leaf spot in F1 and F2 generations of sunflower. P.24-32 - PDF

9. O.F. Rylskyi, Yu.A. Turovnik, Yu.Yu. Petrusha, Ya.S. Rylska. The influence of Bacillus subtilis on the formation of sunflower rhizospheric microbiota. P.33-44 - PDF

10. K.V. Kostetska, N.M. Osokina, H.P. Gerasymchuk. Improving soybean grain quality. P.46-60 - PDF

11. A.I. Soroka. Characteristics of callusogenesis in oilseed flax under the influence of factors that imitate osmotic stress. P.6-14 - PDF

12. T.V. Makhova, O.V. Yakubenko, L.O. Makarenko, A.I. Soroka . Evaluation of carthamus tinctorius (Carthamus tinctorius L.) samples by elements of productivity. P.61-70 - PDF

13. M.M. Korkodola, K.M. Makliak. Variability of oil and protein contents in confectionery sunflower seeds depending on farming techniques. P.72-83 - PDF

14. O.V. Nikitenko , O.I. Polyakov, T.V. Makhova. Influence of methods of main tillage on growth, development and productivity of sunflower in the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. P.84-96 - PDF

15. A.V. Okkert, O.I. Polyakov . Features of the formation of oil flax productivity depending on sowing standards and agricultural practices of crop care. P.97-108 - PDF