Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 32, 2022


1. Yu. I. Tkalich, O. I. Tsilyurik, V. I. Kozechko. Effectiveness of sticking agents using tribenuron–methyl in sunflower crops. P.112-121 - PDF

2. E. Aliiev, K. Lupko, D. Dolgih. Physico–mathematical model of interaction of components of the seed mixture of small–seed oil cultures with the trieur working body. P.123-131 - PDF

3. I. O. Poliakova. Botanical and biological characteristics of Linum thracicum under conditions of the southern Steppe of Ukraine . P.13-25 - PDF

4. S. Mykolenko, E. Aliiev, O. Aliieva, D. Dolgih. Structural and mechanical characteristics of bread products with different contents of amarant flour. P.132-142 - PDF

5. Yu. V. Kernasiuk. Investigation of causes and factors of excessive expansion of sunflower areas in Kirovohrad region. P.144-153 - PDF

6. I. V. Chekhova. Peculiarities of oilseeds market functioning in Ukraine. P.154-161 - PDF

7. Research Institute of Оilseed Crops of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. In memory of Dmitry Ivanovich Nikitchin – a prominent scientist, the head of the Institute of Оilseed Crops. P.162-165 - PDF

8. A. I. Soroka. Optimization of the callus formation process in flax in vitro. P.26-33 - PDF

9. T. G. Tovstanovska, V. О. Lyakh. Variability and correlations of plant habitus traits and the number of bolls in inter–specific hybrids of oil flax. P.34-42 - PDF

10. G. I. Budilka, V. M. Zhuravel, І. B. Komarova, V. І. Levchenko. Comparative characteristics of mustard-rape hybrids and their parental components upon biochemical indicators. P.44-51 - PDF

11. Y. O. Makhno, I. F. Drozd, V. O. Lyakh, H. M. Levchuk, V. M. Nikonova, V. I. Levchenko . Influence of growing conditions on the qualitative and quantitative composition of oil from different flax varieties. P.52-61 - PDF

12. K. V. Vedmedeva, T. V. Makhova. Identification of light colors of marginal sunflower heads caused by the recessive state of the su and lu genes . P.6-12 - PDF

13. O. V. Kurach. Influence of fertilization systems on winter rape productivity . P.63-72 - PDF

14. O. V. Nikitenko, O. I. Polyakov, O. Yu. Aliieva. Application of mineral and sideral fertilizers in different systems of basic tillage in sunflower cultivation. P.73-83 - PDF

15. O. I. Polyakov, S. V. Litoshko. Dynamics of sunflower dry matter accumulation depending on growing conditions. P.84-98 - PDF

16. O. I. Polyakov, О. V. Nikitenko, A. I. Soroka. Productivity of sunflower hybrids depending on the density of plant population at different sowing times. P.99-111 - PDF