Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 31, 2021


1. N.M. Usova, T.F. Tsapik, S.V. Shkolovaya. Influence of mineral nutrition on yield and quality of winter wheat surflower. P.109-116 - PDF

2. E. Aliiev, K. Lupko, E. Belka, O. Aliieva. Trier separator of seed material of small seed oil crops . P.118-132 - PDF

3. R. Bakardzhiev, A. Patsula. Processing and evaluation of the results of a psychological experiment using PPP Statistica in the study of the seed separator of oil seeds . P.133-141 - PDF

4. O. Kozachenko, E Aliiev, M Bakum, A. Mikhailov, M. Krekot . Justification of the efficiency of using a vibrofriction separator in the preparation of mustard seed material. P.142-151 - PDF

5. I.A. Shevchenko. Agrotechnological fundamentals of creation tillage equipment. P.152-158 - PDF

6. T.G. Tovstanovska. Inheritance of the trait «number of bolls on a plant» in intra-species and inter- species hybrids of oil flax . P.16-23 - PDF

7. O.R. Kuzmenko, O.V. Bielka, E.V. Gaydash . Scientific and technical activity of the Institute of oilseed crops of NAAS to ensure innovative development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. P.160-168 - PDF

8. M.G. Kalinova, A.V. Tigova, N.V. Boika . Influence of high temperature on viability of winter rapeseed polen in vitro conditions . P.24-31 - PDF

9. K.V. Vedmedeva, T.V. Makhova, V.I. Levchenko . Prospects of using amaranth Amaranthus caudatus L. as an oil culture in southern Ukraine. P.33-45 - PDF

10. S.S. Yurchuk, S.P. Vyshnevskyi. Evaluation of collective samples of winter rapes for ecological plasticity and stability. P.46-57 - PDF

11. O. Aliieva, A. Polyakov. Features of saflor productivity formation depending on agricultural growing. P.59-71 - PDF

12. H.M. Levchuk, V.M. Nikonova, Yu.А. Makhno. Screening of different species of Linum GenRes by lectin profile. P.6-15 - PDF

13. О.V. Nikitenko, O.I. Polyakov, S.V. Litoshko. Optimal growing regulations – guarantee of high productivity of sunflower. P.72-87 - PDF

14. M.N. Corcodola,E.N. Maklyak. Efficiency of the applied elements of the technology of growing sunflower of confectionery direction. P.88-97 - PDF

15. T.F. Tsapik, N.M. Usova, G.F. Dudareva. The impact of mineral nutrition on winter barley yields while using mustard as a precursor crop. P.98-108 - PDF