Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 29, 2020


1. O.Yu. Alievа. Economic and bioenergy efficiency of cultivation of saflor varieties depending on care for cultivations on herbicide-free and herbicide. P.103-111 - PDF

2. I.F. Drozd. Influence of meteorological conditions in Precarpathian on morfological and parameters of oil flax. P.112-122 - PDF

3. N.I. Kostyuchenko, V.A. Lyakh. Taxonomic diversity of micromycete complexes in the root zone of a perennial wild species of sunflower helianthus grosseserratus. P.123-130 - PDF

4. A.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko. Influence of sowing times and agricultural plant care on water consumption and productivity of sunflower hybrid Region. P.131-140 - PDF

5. I.V. Chekhova. Regional aspects of rapeseed production. P.142-148 - PDF

6. T. V. Leus. Manifestation of the maternal effect in inheritance of leaf colour in safflower. P.16-22 - PDF

7. A.I. Soroka, V.A. Lyakh. Inheritance of some morphological characteristics of parental lines in mustard-rape hybrid. P.23-30 - PDF

8. T.G. Tovstanovska, V.O. Lyakh. Inheritance of seed productivity characteristics in F1 inter- and intra-species hybrids of oil flax. P.31-44 - PDF

9. K.V. Vedmvedeva, O.O. Nosal. Evaluation of large-sunflower lines of sunflower on quantitative morphological traits. P.46-55 - PDF

10. Yu.S. Vitkovska, I.O. Poliakova, N.P. Sinyaeva. Features of germination of flax seeds under the influence of hypothermal stress. P.56-66 - PDF

11. I. Komarova. Application of cluster analysis in breeding research . P.6-15 - PDF

12. A.S. Zinchenko, E.V. Yakubenko. Evaluation of stable morphological traits in soybean collection samples for determination of standard varieties . P.67-77 - PDF

13. N. N. Kutishcheva, S. I. Odinets , L. I. Shudra. Comparative evaluation of economically valuable traits in new sunflower hybrids of ІОС selection. P.78-91 - PDF

14. I. O. Poliakova. Correlation-regression analysis of economic traits in breeding of oil flax. P.92-101 - PDF