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of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 28, 2019


1. S.А. Zaiets, A.L. Rudik, V.I. Netis, K.S. Fundirat. The impact of plant protection systems on the productivity of soybean varieties under irrigated conditions. P.109-117 - PDF

2. S.V. Litoshko. Sunflower response to additional nutrition at different systems of basic treatment of soil. P.118-129 - PDF

3. О.A. Mikheeva, А.A. Rozhkov, V.G. Mikheev. Survival of the soybean plants depending on the integrated influence method of seeding and seeding rate in the Eastern Steppe of Ukraine. P.130-139 - PDF

4. O.I. Polyakov, O.Yu. Alievа. Features of the formation of saflor productivity under the influence of additional mineral nutrition and application of growth stimulates. P.140-150 - PDF

5. M.G. Kalinova, I.B. Komarova. Comparative assessment of sporophyte and gametophyte thermal resistance of winter rape. P.15-22 - PDF

6. O.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko. Formation of sunnele productivity under the influence of agricultural growing under dry Steps of Ukraine. P.151-159 - PDF

7. A.M. Shuvar. Influence of sowing dates of oil flax varieties on the productivity at different seeding rates . P.160-167 - PDF

8. I.V. Chekhova . Regional aspects of soybean production. P.169-175 - PDF

9. T.V. Leus. The inheritance of branch position, plant height and rosette habit in safflower. P.23-30 - PDF

10. T.G. Tovstanovska, V.O. Lyakh. Inheritance of plant habitus traits in F1 inter- and intra-species hybrids of oil flax . P.31-43 - PDF

11. V.V. Yarantseva. Ontogenetic changes of the pigment composition of flax leaves of oil Cyan variety in the steppe zone of Ukraine. P.44-53 - PDF

12. A.I Budilka, V.M. Zhuravel. Evaluation of winter mustard samples for the complex of economic characteristics. P.55-62 - PDF

13. Yu.S. Gubanova, A.I. Soroka. The action of chemical mutagens on the characteristics of Nigella damascena l. plants in M1 generation. P.6-14 - PDF

14. K.V. Vedmedeva, T.V. Makhova. Results of breeding of confectionery sunflower variety. P.63-69 - PDF

15. N.M. Kutishcheva, S.I. Odinets, L.I. Shudrya, V.А. Sereda, A.V. Bezsusidnij. Effect of weather factors on the variability of economic characteristics in sunflower hybrids. P.70-84 - PDF

16. I.A. Poliakova, E.E. Martynenko. Comparative characteristics of Arachis hypogaea collective samples assessment methods. P.85-95 - PDF

17. R.A. Vozhehova, S.V. Kokovikhin, A.V. Drobitko. Formation of productivity of soya varieties under influence of inoculation in the conditions of Steppe of Ukraine. P.97-108 - PDF