Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 27, 2019


1. O.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko, S.V. Litoshko. Influence of agriculture techniques on weed infestation and yield of sunflower. P.107-116 - PDF

2. O.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko, O.O. Makhno. Influence of cultivation techniques on water consumption of oil flax varieties. P.117-124 - PDF

3. E. V. Gaydash, O. V. Bielka, O. R. Kuzmenko. Analysis of the oilseed crops structure in the Ukrainian state register of plant varieties . P.126-137 - PDF

4. H. Levchuk. Changes in lectin activity of oil flax depending on the developmental stage, organ affiliation, cell localization and genotype. P.13-25 - PDF

5. E.Y. Pidgayna, M.M. Kornet. Indicators of quality and markers of falsification for olive oil. P.139-148 - PDF

6. K.V. Vedmedeva, T.V. Machova. Influence of morphological marker traits of sunflower lines on economic characteristics of hybrids. P.27-34 - PDF

7. K.V. Vedmedeva, A.Yu. Yandola, T.O. Taranets. Variability of oleic acid content in collection lines of sunflower under different weather conditions. P.35-42 - PDF

8. Yu.S. Vitkovska, I.O. Poliakova. Evaluation of different genotypes of oilseed flax to the impact of low temperatures . P.43-50 - PDF

9. Y.I. Dontsova, Y.O. Makhno, N.F. Grigorchuk, O.V. Yakubenko . Variability of yield of soybean samples in the conditions of southern Ukraine. P.51-58 - PDF

10. N.M. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudrya, S.I. Odinets,O.V. Bezsusidniy, V.O. Sereda . Variability of economic indicators in sunflower hybrids under the influence of environmental change. P.59-68 - PDF

11. К.M. Levitskaya, V.А. Lyakh. Resistance of sunflower lines of different origin to septoriosis and its inheritance by the F1 hybrids . P.6-12 - PDF

12. A.Yu. Lityaga. Influence of fraction of sowing material on quality indices of sunflower seeds. P.69-78 - PDF

13. I.O. Poliakova. Breeding assessment of varietal resources of oil flax . P.79-87 - PDF

14. L. Hubenko, A. Holodna, G. Remez. The influence of mineral fertilizers and bacterial preparations on yield and quality of soya seeds . P.89-96 - PDF

15. N.I. Kostyuchenko, V.A. Lyakh. Influence of euro-lighting plus herbicide on the taxonomic diversity of micromycetic complexes in the sunflower root zone. P.97-106 - PDF