Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 26, 2018


1. A.M. Shuvar. Influence of formulations of nitrogen fertilizes on oil flax productivity under conditions of western forest-steppe. P.108-114 - PDF

2. I.V. Chekhova. Regional aspects of sunflower manufacturing. P.116-121 - PDF

3. V.M. Zhuravel, G.I. Budilka, G.V. Vendel. Use of recessive marker trait light-yellow color of flower petals in breeding of Brassica juncea czern. P.14-20 - PDF

4. K.V. Vedmedeva, O.O. Nosal. Inheritance of sunflower (Hellianthus annuus l.)seed size in the cross combination L12B х KP11B. P.21-29 - PDF

5. A.I. Soroka. Some influence of the hormonal components in nutrient medium on the induction of novel structures when obtaining rapeseed haploids through in vitro culture. P.30-37 - PDF

6. K.V. Vedmedeva, M.Yu. Kavyazina, T.V. Makhova. Evaluation of castorbean samples by economically valuable traits. P.39-48 - PDF

7. K.V. Vedmedeva, A.S. Bilozub, D.O. Kobzeva. Morphological characteristics of sesame samples, different in seed color. P.39-48 - PDF

8. E.V. Dubovaya, E.A. Gruba, V.A. Lyakh. Morphological and biochemical characteristics of underground organs in various perennial species of sunflower. P.6-13 - PDF

9. S.I. Odinets. Biometric analysis of seed lobe sprout castorbean. P.60-71 - PDF

10. O.I. Poliakov. Productivity of a sunflower depending on the plant stand density and the application of bio-fertilizers. P.73-80 - PDF

11. O.I. Polyakov, O.Yu. Aliievа. Influence of crop caring system on the productivity of safflower varieties at herbicide-free and herbicide backgrounds. P.81-88 - PDF

12. O.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko, V.V. Vendel. Influence of mineral nutrition on the productivity of spring mustard at various sowing rates. P.89-97 - PDF

13. Yu.I. Tkalich. Assessment of biological and economic efficiency of herbicides in sunflower crops. P.98-107 - PDF