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of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 24, 2017


1. A. A. Maksimchuk, Yu. A. Makhno, V. I. Levchenko. Evaluation of the selection lines of flaxseed on the biochemical oil parameters and the weight of 1000 seeds. P.102-109 - PDF

2. O.O. Nosal, K.V. Vedmedeva, S.V. Shkolova. Donor properties of sunflower lines on the basis of large-seed trait . P.110-121 - PDF

3. I.А. Poliakova, K.E. Martynenko, Е.V. Vedmedeva. Morphometric and biochemical characteristica of seeds in different peanut samples. P.122-133 - PDF

4. A.V. Tigova, A.I. Soroka, V.I. Levchenko, Т.А. Taranets. Characteristic of Linum humile Mill. mutant lines by the seed weight . P.134-144 - PDF

5. M.I. Blaschuk, N.N. Tetereschenko. Influence of technology elements on productivity of white mustard variety Zaporizhanka in the conditions of unstable moistening. P.146-155 - PDF

6. O. Yeremenko and V. Kalitka. Sunflower yield depending on agrometeorological conditions of Zaporizhzhzya region. P.156-165 - PDF

7. G.I. Budilka, V.M. Zhuravel, I.B. Komarova. Method of producing mustard-rapeseed hybrids. P.16-21 - PDF

8. T.V. Makhova. Linseed flax variety Kiwika and methods of its harvesling. P.166-172 - PDF

9. A.I. Poliakov. Productivity formation in safflower under influence of mineral fertilizer with different methods of basic soil cultivation. P.173-180 - PDF

10. O.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko, V.V. Vendel. Peculiarities of yield formation in spring mustard under the influence of growth stimulators with different sowing methods. P.181-187 - PDF

11. O.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko, S.V. Litoshko. Formation of sunflower productivity under influence of additional nutrition by various basic soil cultivation methods. P.188-197 - PDF

12. O.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko, O.O. Makhno. Effect of additional nutrition and primary soil processing on formation of productivity of linseed flax. P.198-207 - PDF

13. O. L. Rudik, N. M. Rudik. Evaluation of flax harvesting technologies intended for dual usage. P.208-215 - PDF

14. Yu. I. Tkalych, AI Tsyliuryk, V.I. Kozecko. Effectiveness of use of micro-fertilizers and plant growth regulators for crops of the northern Steppe Region. P.216-225 - PDF

15. V. Vinovets. Aspects of forming of yellow-seed spring rape generative organs . P.22-28 - PDF

16. E.V. Gaydash, O.V. Bielka. Analysis of the oilseed crops structure in the Ukrainian state register of plant varieties . P.227-236 - PDF

17. S.I. Odinets. Characteristic features of pigmentation of collection samples of castorbean plants. P.29-38 - PDF

18. A.I. Soroka, E. Pleshakova, V.A. Lyakh. Inheritance of the number of ray florets and bracts in sunflower . P.39-48 - PDF

19. T.G. Tovstanovskaya, Yu.A. Makhno, M.N. Jaglo, E.A. Sagaidak, S.D. Belova . Allelopathic influence of various crops on seed growing of oil flax. P.49-57 - PDF

20. N.F. Grigorchuk, Yu.I. Dontsova, Е.V. Yakubenko. Evaluation of soybean varieties for drought-resistance . P.59-67 - PDF

21. T.T. Demyanenko, Y.V. Krasnokutskaya, Z.I. Pogorilchuk. Embelize of sunflower (embellisia helianthi (hansf.) pidolp.) in Ukraine . P.68-76 - PDF

22. V.A. Lyakh, A.I. Soroka. Pollen selection techniques for oilseed crop breeding. P.7-15 - PDF

23. M.G. Kalinova, R.V. Senyk, I.B. Komarova, D.M. Lytar. Heat-resistant evaluation of breeding material of winter rapeseed at early stages of ontogeny. P.77-84 - PDF

24. N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudrya, V.A. Sereda. Morphological characteristics of perspective sunflower lines . P.85-93 - PDF

25. T. V. Makhova, L. A. Makarenko, K. V. Vedmedeva. Test of safflower (Cárthamus tinctórius L.) samples by yield and oil content traits. P.94-101 - PDF