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of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 23, 2016


1. N.A.Shugurova, T.T.Demyanenko, Yu.V.Krasnokutskaya, Z.I.Pogorilchuk. A method to evaluate sunflower breeding arcessions for tolerance to broomrape under laboratory conditions. P.102-108 - PDF

2. R.A. Vozhegova, I.M. Belyaeva, S.V. Kokovikhin . Modeling and agro-ameliorative substantiation of crop rotation on unirrigated and irrigated lands in south steppe of Ukraine . P.110-120 - PDF

3. S.V. Kokovikhin, V.V. Nesterchuk . Agro-Economic and energy provision of technology of cultivation of sunflower hybrids under conditions of south steppe of Ukraine. P.121-130 - PDF

4. A.V. Kokhan, O.I. Len, O.I. Tsyliuryk. Consequences of saturation of crop rotation with a sunflower. P.131-136 - PDF

5. Y.A. Kuksa, І.B. Komarova. Water consumption of spring rape depending on growing under conditions of northern steppe of Ukraine. P.137-142 - PDF

6. V. Lyakh, E. Belova. Flower shape in Linum grandiflorum desf. and peculiarities of its inheritance by F1 hybrids . P.14-20 - PDF

7. O.I. Poliakov, S.V. Vakhnenko, O.V. Nikitenko . Features of growth, development and yield formation of Stilutsa winter rape variety depending on fertilizer system . P.143-148 - PDF

8. O.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko, S.V. Vakhnenko, O.V. Bezsusidni. Influence of some agricultural techniques on water consumption of Kamenyar sunflower hybrid . P.149-154 - PDF

9. O.I. Poliakov, S.V. Vakhnenko, O.V. Nikitenko, V.V. Vendel. Peculiarities of productivity formation in mustard under influence of mineral fertilizers at different sowing rates. P.155-161 - PDF

10. V.O. Ruchka, I.O. Taranets. Green manure - as an alternative to fertilizers in the cultivation of flax oil. P.162-168 - PDF

11. Y.І. Tkalich. Effects of micronutrient fertilizers and plant growth stimulants on productivity of sunflower in north steppe of Ukraine. P.169-177 - PDF

12. M.I. Fedorchuk, M.A. Kovalev. Productivity of sunflower hybrids of the high-oleic type in dependence on plant density under growing conditions in the south of Ukraine . P.178-184 - PDF

13. E.V. Gaydash, T.N. Lupynos, I.M. Mikhailova, O.I. Gomenyuk. State register of plant varieties and distribution of plant cultivars in Ukraine on the example of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS . P.186-192 - PDF

14. I. Chekhova. Proposals to improve the competitiveness of oilseed production. P.193-102 - PDF

15. I. Shevchenko, Іr. Shevchenko. The elastic interaction of the working bodies of tillage machines with the soil environment. P.204-211 - PDF

16. Yu.O. Makhno. Inheritance of protein components in F2 and F3 hybrids of linseed. P.21-27 - PDF

17. W. Golka , Jan R. Kami?ski. The need for field tests of tractors and agricultural machines . P.212-221 - PDF

18. I. Shevchenko, Іr. Shevchenko. Experimental and theoretical grounds for the establishment of resilient working bodies of tillage machines. P.222-226 - PDF

19. M.G. Kalinova. Еffect of low and high temperatures on seeds of winter rape on early stages of development . P.28-34 - PDF

20. A.V. Tigova, A.I. Soroka . Chlorophyll changes in M2 generation of Linum humile mill. induced with chemical mutagens. P.35-43 - PDF

21. N.F. Grigorchuk, E.V. Yakubenko. Assessment of soybean varieties in environmental testing. P.45-50 - PDF

22. V.N. Zhuravel, A.I. Budilka. Efficiency of selection in the creation of varieties of white mustard. P.51-55 - PDF

23. N.N. Kutishcheva, N.A. Shuhurova. Initial breeding material of sunflower with high economic and agronomical value and major resistance to pathogens . P.56-63 - PDF

24. I. Shevchenko, A. Kovyazin . The prospect of using thermal field in the soil. P.6-12 - PDF

25. L.A. Makarenko. Determination of hull content of safflower with a new method. P.64071 - PDF

26. V.A. Lyakh, N.V. Sopina, Yu. A. Makhno. Seed kernel to seedcoat ratio as an indicator of efficiency of linseed growing. P.72-77 - PDF

27. S.I. Odinets, N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudra, V.A. Sereda. Influence of sunflower pollen fertility restorers on agronomically important traints the hybrids. P.78-87 - PDF

28. I.A. Poliakova. Comparative study of annual wild flax species according to their primary economically valuable traits . P.88-95 - PDF

29. E.A. Sagaydak, M.N. Yaglo. Studing the y collection of linseed with marker morphological characteristics and economicallyvaluable traits. P.96-101 - PDF