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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 21, 2014


1. А.L. Rudik. Features of forming of harvest of flax oily in dependence on seed-time and norms of sowing in the conditions of dry steppe of Ukraine. P.105-111 - PDF

2. A.L. Rudik. Oil flax varieties' productivity in dry steppe area of Ukraine . P.112-118 - PDF

3. I. Sidorik, А. Zinchenko, S. Didorenko. Productivity of soybean varieties in northern Kazakhstan. P.119-122 - PDF

4. O.А. Shkoda. Efficiency of growing of winter rape in the south steppe of Ukraine. P.123-129 - PDF

5. E.B. Aliev, R.A. Bakardzhiev. Statistical assessment of performance in continuous batcher. P.131-136 - PDF

6. I. Demidov, N. Sytnik, V. Mazaeva. Sunflower and problem alternative fuel in Ukraine. P.137-146 - PDF

7. Evaluation of the quantitative signs of parental forms of sunflower on gradients of different terms of sowing. I.V. Aksyonov, L.Yu. Mishchinko. P.14-21 - PDF

8. A.N. Patsula, Y.A. Durin, E.B. Aliev, V.T. Gritsenko, E.S. Mikhno. Experimental studies of harvester threshing mechanism. P.147-152 - PDF

9. V. Kirichenko, V. Timchuk, S. Svyatchenko. Energy assessment of sunflower production. P.154-171 - PDF

10. I. Chekhova. Application of oilseed crops in biofuel sector. P.172-179 - PDF

11. . 60 years scientists geneticists and breeders Lyakh Victor A.. P.181-182 - PDF

12. K.V. Vedmedeva, N.M. Kirpicheva. Results of studying of the collection of lines of sunflower on the basis of colouring of regional flowers. P.22-27 - PDF

13. N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudria, S.I. Odinets, V.A. Sereda, I.S. Tsys. Influence of parental components on formation of the main characters in sunflower hybrids. P.28-39 - PDF

14. N.F. Grigorchuk. The new soybean variety Deni. P.41-45 - PDF

15. V.M. Zhuravel, I.B. Komarova, G.I. Budilka. Perspectives of creating winter mustard varieties for different ways to use. P.46-50 - PDF

16. T. Marchenko, J. Lavrynenko, T. Glushko, O. Gozh. Maize breeding at improving the grain quality under sufficient moisture conditions. P.51-58 - PDF

17. I.А. Shevchenko. Conception of creation of flexible technological systems and managed ecofeeling agriculture. P.6-12 - PDF

18. I.A. Bidnina. The effectiveness of fertilizer application under oilseed flax for dark chestnut soils of the south of Ukraine. P.60-64 - PDF

19. M.I. Blasсhuk, N.N. Tетеrеsсhеnkо. Influence of sowing dates and doses of chemical fertilizers on white mustard productivity. P.65-74 - PDF

20. D.A. Buligin, О.S. Suzdal, L.S. Mishukova, О.S. Vlaschuk. Efficiency of soybean production under different conditions of moisture and plant density on the south of Ukraine . P.75-79 - PDF

21. S.V. Vakhnenko. Efficiency of application of mineral fertilizers at growing of false flax in the conditions of stepu of Ukraine. P.80-83 - PDF

22. А.М. Коvalenko, А.S. Маlyarchuk. Influence of treatment of soil and doses of nitric fertilizers on the state of sowing and productivity of winter rape. P.84-89 - PDF

23. N.I. Kostyuchenko. Effect of crop rotation and variety on microbiological parameters of soil in agrocenoses of sunflower in conditions of southern steppe of Ukraine. P.90-96 - PDF

24. A.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko, S.V. Vakhnenko. Forming productivity of kameniar sunflower hybrid depending on growing agromethods. P.97-104 - PDF