Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 20, 2014


1. N.F. Grygorchuk, N.A. Shugurova. Development of yielding soybean varieties with high seed oil content and tolerant to damage with disease pathogens. P.101-106 - PDF

2. V.N. Zhuravel. Using morphological mutants for creating new varieties of Brassica Juncea. P.107-111 - PDF

3. D.O. Kobzeva, V.O. Lyakh. Germinating capacity of sesame seed during different years of growing. P.112-117 - PDF

4. V.I. Kozechko. Features of autumn development of plants of different sorts of winter wheat when grown after spring rape under the northern steppes of Ukraine. P.118-126 - PDF

5. A.I. Soroka. Іnduced genetic variability under ethyl methanesulfonate treatment of immature embryos and mature seeds. P.12-20 - PDF

6. I.B. Komarova, V.G. Vynovets, E.V. Gaydash, A.D. Lysnyak, M.V. Ivanov, R.V. Senik. Perspectives of creating a variety of winter mustard different ways to use. P.127-135 - PDF

7. N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudria, S.I. Odinets, VA Sereda, I.S. Tsys. Аchievements on sunflower selection in IOC UААS. P.136-149 - PDF

8. F.F. Adamen, A.L. Rudik, I.O. Proshina. The impact of row spacing und norms on productivity and economic efficiency of cultivation of safflower in south of Ukraine . P.151-157 - PDF

9. A.S. Ermakov, A.I. Polyakov. Safflower productivity depending on sowing terms and plant density. P.158-162 - PDF

10. G.А. Kuthegub, А.А. Pozhkov. The productivity of spring rape depending on sowing density and method of sowing. P.163-169 - PDF

11. Yu.V. Mamyrko, A.S. Bushnev, S.P. Podlesny. Оil flax production in crop rotations with various gaps between crops on leached chernozem of the Western Ciscaucasia. P.170-177 - PDF

12. O.V.Nikitenko, A.I.Poliakov. Рroductivity of soybean varieties in continuous sowing depending on growing agromethods. P.178-182 - PDF

13. A.V. Okkert, A.I. Polyakov, A.V. Nikitenko. Growth and development of oil flax depending on growth stimulants while using various methods of primary tillage. P.183-188 - PDF

14. V.О. Ruchka. Forming of the productivity by the plants of flax of oily depending on methods basic till of soil in compleks with the use of physiological - active substances. P.189-197 - PDF

15. Y.I. Tkalich. Productivity and economic assessment of sunflower cultivation at different tillage and herbicides. P.198-203 - PDF

16. V.M. Totskiy. Іnfluence of fertilizer system and the basic soil processing on formation of sunflower productivity. P.204-209 - PDF

17. I.V.Aksyonov. Use of spectrа of proteins in the process of selection and creation of initial material of sunflower . P.21-32 - PDF

18. V.Y. Sherbakov, D.A. Hrytsev. The productivity of sunflower hybrids depending on combinations of different herbicides. P.210-217 - PDF

19. V.T. Gritsenko, A.N. Patsula, V.L. Kutischev, E.S. Mihno. Results of preliminary tests of the apparatus for producing fuel briquettes. P.219-223 - PDF

20. I.A. Shevchenko, Y.M. Labatyuk, E.B. Aliev. Experimental studies of tier chisel for irrigated soil. P.224-229 - PDF

21. E.V. Gaydash. Development of legal framework varieties in Ukraine. P.231-238 - PDF

22. I.V. Aksyonov, L.Yu. Mishchinko. Possibilities of creation of sunflower initial material for electrophoretic spectrа of seed storage Proteins . P.33-41 - PDF

23. K.V. Vedmedeva, V.V. Tolmachov. Genetic resources in the Institute of oilseed crops. P.42-47 - PDF

24. Hanna Levchuk. Lectins of oil flax as factors of adaptation to temperature stress. P.48-55 - PDF

25. V.N. Zhuravel, V.A. Lyakh. Мutant breeding of brassica juncea and sinapis alba. P.56-61 - PDF

26. V.A. Lyakh. Theoretical basis of development of linseed varieties of zaporozhye breeding. P.62-71 - PDF

27. V. Lyakh, A. Soroka. Рollen selection as a way to intensify plant breeding in oilseed crops. P.72-80 - PDF

28. Yul.O. Makhno. Definining polymorphism of component composition of auxiliary proteins in hybrid oilflax seeds. P.81-84 - PDF

29. V.G. Vinovets, A.D. Lisnyak, M.V. Ivanov. Selection estimation variety samples of yellowseeds spring rape. P.86-91 - PDF

30. N.F. Grigorchuk. Achievement on soybean breeding at the institute of oilseed crops NAAS. P.92-100 - PDF