Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 19, 2013


1. E. Gaydash. A way of developurent a variety us an object of intellectual property. P.103-108 - PDF

2. V.T. Gritsenko , A.N. Patsula , V.L. Kutischev , E.S. Mikhno. Experimental studies of briquetting press for husk fraction from oilseed cakes. P.110-116 - PDF

3. V.T. Gritsenko , O.M. Patsula , V.L. Kutischev , E.S. Mikhno. Results for preliminary tests of brush rotary sifter. P.117-122 - PDF

4. T.V. Leus, C.V. Vedmedeva. The method of safflower hybridization by washing pollen off. P.13-17 - PDF

5. Y.O. Makhno, V.A. Lyakh, T.G. Tovstanovskaya, E.O. Sagaydac. Methods and trends in oil flax breeding for the south steppe of Ukraine. P.18-25 - PDF

6. A.V. Povhan, A.I. Soroka. Studying of ethyl methanesulfonate influence on sesame in М1 generation. P.26-30 - PDF

7. S.O. Yakovleva-Nosar?, І.А. Poliakova, V.A. Lyakh. Mustard plant response to oil pollution of a substrate. P.31-35 - PDF

8. I.V. Aksyonov, A.I. Polyakov, V.I. Levchenko. Temperature processing and quality indicators of the safflower seeds. P.37-42 - PDF

9. N.F. Grigorchuk, E.V. Yakubenko. Development of early-maturity soybean varieties. P.43-48 - PDF

10. V.N. Zhuravel, A.I. Budilka. New sources of valuable morphological traits for breeding brassica juncea. P.49-53 - PDF

11. D.O. Kobzeva, V.O. Lyakh. Variability of some economically valuable traits in sesame accessions under the south Ukraine conditions . P.54-60 - PDF

12. I.V. Aksyonov, L.Yu. Mishchinko. Use of electrophoretic spectra of seed storage proteins for development the parental lines of sunflower. P.6-12 - PDF

13. L.A. Makarenko, K.V. Vedmedeva, D.A. Kobzeva, N.M. Kyrpychova. Evaluation of safflower by energy value. P.61-67 - PDF

14. S.I. Odinets, N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Shudria. Formation of the basis productivity of first generation sunflower hybrids under influence of abiotic factors . P.67-76 - PDF

15. Yu.V. Gavrilyuk, I.V. Aksyonov. Level of injuriousness of weeds and productivity tsenoses of sunflower in the conditions of the northern Steppe of Ukraine. P.78-83 - PDF

16. A.I. Poliakov, S.V. Vakhnenko, S.V. Taranenko. Influence of mineral nutrition and retardant application on growth, development and productivity of winter rapeseed. P.84-89 - PDF

17. A.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko, S.K. Karaputa. Yield formation of ‘Region’ sunflower hybrid depending on crop handling methods at different terms of sowing. P.90-95 - PDF

18. I.A. Poliakova, M.A. Topchiy. Influence of permanent sunflower cultivation on soil fertility indicators. P.96-101 - PDF