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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 17, 2012


1. А.М. Kovalenko. Water consumption of sunflower at different terms of growing in crop rotations of short rotary press. P.104-109 - PDF

2. G.M. Kozelets. Growth regulators in the technology of growing of coriander in the conditions of northern steppe of Ukraine. P.110-115 - PDF

3. T.V. Makhova, A.I. Polyakov. Productivity in oil flax in southern steppe of Ukraine conditions depending on terms of sowing and quantity of seeds per hectare. P.116-120 - PDF

4. N.V. Novohygniy, А.М. Kovalenko, О.A. Kovalenko, G.Z. Timoshenco. Productivity and resistance to cold of winter rape at different growing technologies. P.121-125 - PDF

5. A.I. Poliakov, S.V. Vakhnenko. Water consumption of spring rape depending on terms, methods of sowing and quantity of seeds per hectare. P.130-133 - PDF

6. A.I. Poliakov, O.V. Nikitenko. Formation of spring rape productivity depending on agromethods of cultivation under the southern Ukrainian steppe conditions. P.134-138 - PDF

7. V.A. Ruchka. Influence of sowing date and seed rates on crop productivity and quality of seeds of new oil flex aisberg and orfej varieties. P.139-143 - PDF

8. N.G. Tsehmeystruk, I.B. Strel’tsova. The study of comparative yield of the winter and spring canola varieties in the eastern–forest steppe of Ukraine. P.144-148 - PDF

9. А. Shuvar, R. Vojtovych. Estimation of harvesting methods for oil flax. P.149-153 - PDF

10. M.G. Kalinova. Innovative activities of Zaporozhye region TSNZ agencies for the past five-year period (2006-2010). P.155-162 - PDF

11. I.V. Prystupa, V.A. Lyakh. Sunflower as a perspective allelopathic plant of the south-east of Ukraine. P.16-21 - PDF

12. A.V. Okkert. Productivity of oil flax vodogray variety depending on terms of sowing. P.21-26 - PDF

13. A.V. Povhan, A.I. Soroka, I.G. Gluschenko. Effect of mutageniс treatment of sesame immature embryos on their survival. P.22-27 - PDF

14. S.O. Yakovleva-Nosar, A.M. Tkachuk, V.A. Lyakh. False flax resistance to chromium influence at early stages of ontogenesis. P.28-32 - PDF

15. Peculiarities of manifestation of some agronomic traits of the parental sunflower lines for adaptation estimation. I.V. Aksyonov, V.N. Nikonova, K.V. Maksyuk, V.I. Levchenko. P.34-41 - PDF

16. K.S. Burenko, K.V. Vedmedeva, A.F. Pershin. Studying of sunflower collection for the trait of large fruit. P.42-47 - PDF

17. K.V. Vedmedeva, N.M. Kirpicheva, D.A. Kobzeva. Methodology design for determining safflower seed germination. P.48-53 - PDF

18. V.G. Vinovets, I.B. Komarova. Source material of spring rape with the amended fatty acid composition of oil. P.54-59 - PDF

19. I.F. Drozd, V.A. Lyakh. Variability interval of productivity traits for oil flax in lvov region. P.60-66 - PDF

20. V.N. Zhuravel. Economic value of brown mustard breeding samples. P.67-69 - PDF

21. N.N. Kutishcheva, L.I. Sudrya, V.A. Sereda. The adaptivity and productivity of sunflower hybrids pochatok and nabir of institute of oilseed crops naas selection. P.70-75 - PDF

22. Y.A Makhno, T.G Tovstanovskaya, V.A Lyakh. Study of oil quality of linseed collection and breeding material. P.76-81 - PDF

23. A.F. Pershin, A.D. Lisnyak, S.V. Pleten, M.V. Ivanov. Monogenic inheritance of fertility restore in winter rape hybrids. P.8-15 - PDF

24. N.A. Shugurova, G.F. Dudareva, N.F. Grygorchuk. Evaluation of soybean resistance to major fungal and bacterial diseases. P.82-85 - PDF

25. F.F. Adamen, O.L. Rudik, V.G. Naidenov, I.O. Proshina. Effect of extraroot usage of macro- and micro-fertilizers on the safflower harvest size and structure in unirrigated conditions of Ukrainian south. P.87-91 - PDF

26. R.A. Gutyanskyi, G.M. Lysun, S.M. Dolya. Comparison of broad-spectrum postemergence herbicides in soybean planting. P.92-97 - PDF

27. Т.С. Kilochok, V.I. Kozechko, I.V.Zhernosekova, O.A. Timciuc, N.N. Kutischeva, E.V. Vedmedeva. Biologization technology of growing hybrids and varieties of sunflower. P.98-103 - PDF