Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 16, 2011


1. S.V. Vakhnenko, A.I. Polyakov. Productivity development in spring false flax when applying biostimulators and plant growth regulators in south steppe of Ukraine. P.103-107 - PDF

2. A.V. Kokhan. Ecologically clean technology of sunflower growing. P.108-111 - PDF

3. A.I. Polyakov, O.V. Nikitenko. Formation of elements of soybean productivity and yield under the influence of growth biostimulyators. P.112-116 - PDF

4. V.N. Salatenko, N.E. Vasilenko. Biometric characteristics of the growth and development of castor-bean varieties of different maturity groups in dependauce of sowing date and plant density. P.117-120 - PDF

5. O.V. Shvachka, N.A. Novoshinskaya. Effect of sowing date and plant density on productivity of ryabota hybrid sunflower under conditions of southern Ukraine. P.121-125 - PDF

6. Ye.O. Yurkevich. Influence of crop rotations on oil crop weediness in depending of forecrops. P.126-130 - PDF

7. N.N. Kutishcheva, I.V. Aksyonov, B.K. Litovchenko. Return effect at sterile hybrids of sunflower. P.13-20 - PDF

8. S.O. Yakovleva-Nosar, V.A. Lyakh. Variability of some productivity traits under different sowing density in spring false flax. P.131-134 - PDF

9. V.T. Grytsenko. Research analysis of bulk material separation. P.136-141 - PDF

10. O. Troicka, S. Panov. The analysis of modern technologies of the antinutrient detoxication in castor-bean seeds. P.142-152 - PDF

11. V.T. Gritsenko. Development of constructive and technological scheme for the oilseed cake processing line. P.153-156 - PDF

12. A.D. Lisnyak, A.F. Pershin, M.V. Ivanov. The features of cms for ukrainian breeding winter rape hybrids. P.21-26 - PDF

13. N.V. Primerova, A.I. Soroka, V.A. Lyakh. Comparative evaluation on the basis of productivity of f1 sunflower hybrids involving different chlorophyll mutants. P.27-32 - PDF

14. A.I. Budilka, I.V. Aksyonov, V.I. Levchenko. Fatty acid composition of oil of winter mustard. P.34-39 - PDF

15. P.I. Vishnevsky, S.P. Vishnevsky. Creation of initial genetically variable selection material of winter rape crop by а hybridization method. P.40-43 - PDF

16. N.F. Grigorchuk, E.V. Yakubenko. Economic evaluation of soybean varieties in demonstration trial of the IOC NAAS. P.44-48 - PDF

17. S. Dimitrov. Creating sunflower reliable line-fertility restorers, resistant to the evro-lighting herbicide. P.49-52 - PDF

18. V.N. Zhuravel. Tне есonomic value of the mutant samples of gray mustard created by chemical mutagenesis. P.53-58 - PDF

19. N.M. Kyrpychova, E.V. Vedmedeva. Evaluation of the energy value of sunflower. P.59-63 - PDF

20. I.B. Komarova. Variability of collection samples of spring false flax for productivity and oil yield. P.64-69 - PDF

21. N.N. Kutishcheva, B.K. Litovchenko, L.I. Shudria, G.V. Zharkova. Innovation development of sunflower hybrids created at the Institute of oilseed crops NAAS. P.70-74 - PDF

22. T.V. Leus, I.I. Lazebny, K.V. Vedmedeva. Evaluation of initial safflower breeding material on the basis of solnechny, obrazets 16, siriysky specimens. P.75-80 - PDF

23. N.I. Kostjuchenko, V.A. Lyakh. Diversity of micromycets in root zone of sunflower under growing in agrocenosis of oil crops. P.8-12 - PDF

24. S.I. Odinets. The results of three-year trial of sunflower test-hybrids obtained with the use of new pollen fertility restorer line. P.81-86 - PDF

25. A.I. Poliakov, K.Ya. Boiko, N.A. Novoshinskaya. Conditional seed yield of stepovyi sunflower hybrid parental forms depending on crop schemes. P.87-90 - PDF

26. I.V. Aksyonov, V.M. Nikonova, E.V. Maksyuk, K.S. Schenstniy. Reaction of parental lines of sunflower to the change of sowing terms. P.92-98 - PDF

27. J.V. Beljavskij. Species composition and dynamics of numerosity of click beetles (еlaterіdae) in corn-and-soya agrocenosises. P.99-102 - PDF