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Scientific and Technical Bulletin
of the Institute of Oilseed Crops NAAS

Short title: Sci-Tech Bul IOC
ISSN: 2078-7316
Language edition: Ukrainian, English

Issue 15, 2010


1. N.M. Lys. The effect of methods of main soil tillage and fertilizers on assimilating area formation and dry matter accumulation in winter rape in the Predkarpattja forest steppe conditions. P.100-106 - PDF

2. V.V. Plotnicov, V.G. Gilchuk, M.B. Gumenniy, V.O. Nakonechny. Efficiency of chemical protection of soya crops from weeds at different levels of mineral nutrition. P.107-111 - PDF

3. M.G. Kalinova, A.I. Soroka. Рeculiarities of callusogenesis in the culture of unfertilized ovules in winter rape. P.11-15 - PDF

4. A.I. Poliakov, K.Ya. Boiko, O.V. Nikitenko. Forming productivity of sunflower and soy-bean under effect of the complex fertilizing. P.112-118 - PDF

5. V.A.Radaunia, V.V. Bobovkina. Сomparative efficiency of sunflower hybrids in the conditions of the Belarus Рolesye. P.119-123 - PDF

6. E.V. Snegok. Іntensive technology of brassica napus protection against the pests in west forest – Steppe of Ukraine. P.124-127 - PDF

7. T.I. Stepiak. The efficiency of phosphoromobilizing bacterial preparations in the technology of winter rape growing. P.128-134 - PDF

8. T.P. Shepilova. Іnfluence of the methods of sowing and norm of the sowing of seeds on the clean productivity of photosynthesis of the soybean. P.135-138 - PDF

9. R. Bakardzhiev, V.Gritsenko. Рarameters of linking rocker-sliding press-brigucttiner. P.140-144 - PDF

10. S.I. Svyatchenko. The expenses in processing non-condition oil seeds to biodiesel. P.145-148 - PDF

11. A.I. Soroka. The peculiarities of winter rape plants with different ploidy levels obtained through anther culture. P.16-20 - PDF

12. M. Hristova-Cherbadzi, M. Christov. Of cultivated sunflower Helianthus annuus L. with the annual species Helianthus bolanderi gray . P.2-7 - PDF

13. I.V. Aksyonov. Quantitative traits and productivity of sesame varieties . P.22-26 - PDF

14. A.A. Artamonov, M.E.Kuznetsova. Сhange of biochemical structure of seeds of a summer rape as a result of selections on resistance to the fusarium wilt. P.27-32 - PDF

15. L.G. Beljavskaja. Аdaptability of soya varieties of the poltava selection in conditions of climate change. P.33-38 - PDF

16. E.V. Vedmedeva, Ja.A. Tarasova, Z.I. Lebed. Studying lallemantia collection at the Іnstitute of oilseed crops. P.39-44 - PDF

17. I. Drozd, N. Shpek, V. Lyakh. Seed oil content of oil flax varieties under different conditions of cultivation. P.45-48 - PDF

18. V.V. Kyrychenko, K.M. Maklyak, B.F. Varenyk, V.I. Krutko, N.M. Kutishcheva, V.M. Kaban. Еcological trialing of sunflower hybrids by breeding institutions belonging to the system of National academy of agrarian science of Ukraine. P.49-56 - PDF

19. T.G. Tovstanovskaya. Variability of important for breeding traits in linseed. P.57-61 - PDF

20. I.V. Aksyonov, A.E. Minkovskiy. The agromethods of sunflower growing by the soil minimum tillage. P.63-67 - PDF

21. J.V. Belyavsky. Рainted lady (Vanessa carduі L.). P.68-72 - PDF

22. S.V. Vakhnenko, A.I. Poliakov. Forming productivity of brassica napus annua depending on sowing date and quantity of seeds under ukrainian south Steppe conditions. P.73-77 - PDF

23. R.O. Vusatyj. Spots of a lucerne and measure on their restriction. P.78-81 - PDF

24. N. F. Grigorchuk. Іnheritance of seed oil level in soy bean. P.8-10 - PDF

25. L.V. Gubenko, P.S. Vishnevskiy. Formation of winter rape productivity in northern forest-Steppe conditions, depending on the terms of planting and on fertilizing systems. P.82-87 - PDF

26. G.Yu. Dyakonenko, Yu.S. Lysak, A.M. Kompaniets. Еffect of pre-sowing treatment of rape seeds with cryoprotectants on concentration of soluble carbohydrates in plants and their freezing resistance . P.88-90 - PDF

27. V. S. Zuza. Weed species composition in sunflower fields and the problem of its forecast . P.91-94 - PDF

28. A.V. Ischenko. Formation of the elements of yield structure of spring rape depending on various mineral nutrition. P.95-99 - PDF